Hear from Torquay Practice Manager, Jaime Gill
We recently caught up with Jaime Gill, Practice Manager at Torquay Vets for Pets to hear about how his journey so far, and how preventative health care is a genuine focus for their practice and colleagues:
What originally attracted you to working for Vets for Pets?
“After completing my undergraduate degree in biology and animal behaviour I knew that I wanted to work in an environment that involved animals. Working in a veterinary practice allowed a focus on animal welfare and care. Vets4Pets made this possible.”
Tell us a little bit about your journey to becoming a Practice Manager, your studies/experience?
“Originally, I was seeking a veterinary nursing position but after a short period of working in practice as an administrative colleague our practice owner discussed the option of practice management. At first, I was not sure which career path would suit me best but eventually I decided that practice management was a good option for me. After a few years I started to find that the experience I was gaining made me more and more knowledgeable and comfortable in the role.”
How has your JVP supported you throughout your journey as you’ve progressed to Practice Manager?
“Our JVP has always been on hand to provide me with support and be there for advice. The option of attending courses and training have been available and encourage during my time at the practice. This is true for all clinical and administrative colleagues.”
What has been the most rewarding part of your time with us so far?
“Seeing how the work that our colleagues do on a day-to-day basis benefits the welfare of our patients. At times there will be animals that come to us requiring urgent medical attention and the team are excellent and providing this care, often saving the lives of animals.”
Tell us a bit about the preventative health aspect of pet care that your practice focuses on with both clients and patients?
“Preventative health care is a genuine focus for our practice and colleagues. In partnership with our clients and through good advice to our clients, we aim to keep our patients healthy rather than simply treating them when they are ill. Annual health checks are a big part of this. Our vets will examine animals thoroughly during consultations so that any signs of disease can be found early and then treated before it becomes a bigger, more serious problem.”
If you could give advice to those hoping to join Vets for Pets, what would it be?
“You have to share our focus on preventative health care and have our patients' and clients' best interest in mind at all times. Working in a veterinary practice can be emotionally challenging and the camaraderie of colleagues really helps get you through the challenging days. Being a team player is therefore a must have quality.”