dog in field

Our Better World Pledge

The Autumn Edition


Learn more about supporting your wellbeing in practice, our Diversity and Inclusion vision as a business and read our spot light on Nicola – Our Vets4Pets Stirling OBWP Champion

OBWP Newsletter Content Block Imagery Aug 21 - People


We’ve got an update from the PAH Foundation, a spot light on Vets4Pets Hereford and their free wildlife triage webinar as well as info on how your VIP Charity Lifelines are helping animals in need.

OBWP Newsletter Content Block Imagery Aug 21 - Pets


Read about ways to reduce waste and change how you use anaesthetic gasses in your practice as well as becoming a Greener Veterinary Practice with advice, checklists and webinars.

OBWP Newsletter Content Block Imagery Aug 21 - Planet

Useful Links

Useful links and PDFs for you and your practice colleagues to use including our Vets4Pets Goes Green Facebook page, reading up on Vet Sustain or focussing on wellbeing for you and your colleagues

One bottle of Isoflourane has the same detrimental value to the planet as driving all the way from John O Groats to Lands End

The veterinary industry is a high user of anaesthetic gases, these block heat leaving the planet, creating a sort of plug effect. In turn this causes the planet to heat up- Global Warming! As an example 1 bottle of Isoflourane has the same detrimental value to the planet as driving all the way from John O Groats to Lands End 

The Vet Group will become an official supporter of Vet Sustain. A number of you will have already participated in their virtual events over the last year and we are really excited to be part of this industry leading force for sustainability. Please read more about Vet Sustain here and you will hear more about this over the coming months.

Are you aware of the Vets4Pets Goes Green Facebook page?

It’s worth signing up to for some great ideas already being shared by practices and a great place to start adding some more.

Check out upcoming National and International awareness days that support our three Better World Pledge pillars

Support an awareness day:

  1. International Day of Charity – 5th September

  2. Recycling Week – 20th to 26th September

  3. National Cat Day – 29th October

  4. Climate Change – 1st to 12th November

  5. National Stress Awareness – 2nd November

Here are a few top tips for reducing paper waste in practice! Give them a try and see if you notice the difference

Printers and paper are the easiest things to monitor and reduce the use of. It is important to have a base figure so that you can celebrate your wins as you achieve them.

Considerate printing

  • As an idea find out how much paper you order a year and then watch this reduce as you implement changes! 
  • Set Printers to double sided print, this needs to be done on individual logins 
  • Set printers to grayscale printing to reduce coloured ink consumption 
  • Purchase recycled printer paper
  • Save items to desk top rather than print at all 

Reducing incoming post

Take a look at the magazines the practice receive in the post, contact the suppliers and ask to be sent digital copies or just one per practice instead of each individual vet. Look at the amount of leaflets you order, can you use a PDF copy and email to clients.

Could you use shredded paper in litter trays or small furry cages, would your PAH store use any shredded paper you create?

Printing less

Look at what you print and why, have you thought about using laminated sheets for: Dental charts, Urinalysis, Glucose monitoring etc 

Have you thought about e mailing clients with information rather than printing: Email post operative sheets, Information for new puppy and kitten owners, Estimates, Bad debt letters, etc 

Good News

Find out which Vets4Pets practice were recently became Investors in the Environment Silver 2021 Award winners and how they managed it…

Investors in the Environment Logo2021silver

We want to hear from you!

We’d like you to help us populate this quarterly newsletter with your top tips and stories of what you are doing within your practice that covers one of the three pillars: Pets, Planet or People.


OBWP Newsletter Content Block Imagery Aug 21 - Coming Soon