OBWP Newsletter Content Block Imagery Aug 21 - People


It makes you happy: the science of a “helper’s high”​

​Most of us want to feel like our lives mean something – that we’re making a positive difference in the world. So, it’s not surprising that several studies have shown how helping others can boost our sense of happiness:​

  • One study showed that helping others through volunteer work increased levels of happiness in the participants.​
  • In another study, people were given money to either spend on themselves or give to charity. Those who gave to charity felt happier.​
  • Happy workers are more likely to report that they regularly help others.​
  • Some studies have shown that children under the age of two report being happier when they give treats away rather than receiving treats themselves.

Scientists have been studying a phenomenon called “helper’s high”: helping others releases endorphins which, in turn, improves mood and boosts self-esteem. In short, helping others feels good. It’s possible that helping others does more for the happiness of the person helping than the person who receives the help.​

Find out more

Spot light on Nicola – Our Vets4Pets Stirling OBWP Champion

My name is Nicola, I am the PM/JVP at Stirling.  I am the champion for Our Better World Pledge as I believe we should all be working on creating our Better world. Ignorance is no longer an excuse, we know more and are seeing the world fight back to our over consumption and wasteful ways.

I love a project to plan but also am proactive and see a job through. My favourite ways to unwind are to sit and enjoy heavy rain showers, walk my dogs and climb a hill.  I want to do my bit to protect the things I enjoy.

Introducing Diversity & Inclusion

Your overall colleague experience​

Reward Hub

Colleague Wellbeing​

At the heart of everything we do should be our own and our fellow colleagues welfare as we all have wellbeing needs that need to be met to ensure we stay well. With this in mind we have some fantastic support networks to sign post you to, as well as helpful tips.

Why not download the below for you and your colleagues to use in practice…


Vetlife - Wellbeing tips​

Vetlife – You can help​

Vetlife – Going home checklist​